#!/bin/bash if ! grep "^telegraf:" /etc/group &>/dev/null; then groupadd -r telegraf fi if ! id telegraf &>/dev/null; then useradd -r -M telegraf -s /bin/false -d /etc/telegraf -g telegraf fi if [[ -d /etc/opt/telegraf ]]; then # Legacy configuration found if [[ ! -d /etc/telegraf ]]; then # New configuration does not exist, move legacy configuration to new location echo -e "Please note, Telegraf's configuration is now located at '/etc/telegraf' (previously '/etc/opt/telegraf')." mv -vn /etc/opt/telegraf /etc/telegraf if [[ -f /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf ]]; then backup_name="telegraf.conf.$(date +%s).backup" echo "A backup of your current configuration can be found at: /etc/telegraf/${backup_name}" cp -a "/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf" "/etc/telegraf/${backup_name}" fi fi fi