# SNMP Plugin The SNMP input plugin gathers metrics from SNMP agents. ## Configuration: See additional SNMP plugin configuration examples [here](./CONFIG-EXAMPLES.md). ### Example: SNMP data: ``` . octet_str "foo" . octet_str "bar" . octet_str "bad" . integer 1 . integer 2 . octet_str "0.123" . octet_str "0.456" . octet_str "9.999" . octet_str "baz" . uinteger 54321 . uinteger 234 ``` Telegraf config: ```toml [[inputs.snmp]] agents = [ "" ] version = 2 community = "public" name = "system" [[inputs.snmp.field]] name = "hostname" oid = "." is_tag = true [[inputs.snmp.field]] name = "uptime" oid = "." [[inputs.snmp.field]] name = "loadavg" oid = "." conversion = "float(2)" [[inputs.snmp.table]] name = "remote_servers" inherit_tags = [ "hostname" ] [[inputs.snmp.table.field]] name = "server" oid = "." is_tag = true [[inputs.snmp.table.field]] name = "connections" oid = "." [[inputs.snmp.table.field]] name = "latency" oid = "." conversion = "float" ``` Resulting output: ``` * Plugin: snmp, Collection 1 > system,agent_host=,host=mylocalhost,hostname=baz loadavg=2.34,uptime=54321i 1468953135000000000 > remote_servers,agent_host=,host=mylocalhost,hostname=baz,server=foo connections=1i,latency=0.123 1468953135000000000 > remote_servers,agent_host=,host=mylocalhost,hostname=baz,server=bar connections=2i,latency=0.456 1468953135000000000 ``` #### Configuration via MIB: This example uses the SNMP data above, but is configured via the MIB. The example MIB file can be found in the `testdata` directory. See the [MIB lookups](#mib-lookups) section for more information. Telegraf config: ```toml [[inputs.snmp]] agents = [ "" ] version = 2 community = "public" [[inputs.snmp.field]] oid = "TEST::hostname" is_tag = true [[inputs.snmp.table]] oid = "TEST::testTable" inherit_tags = [ "hostname" ] ``` Resulting output: ``` * Plugin: snmp, Collection 1 > testTable,agent_host=,host=mylocalhost,hostname=baz,server=foo connections=1i,latency="0.123" 1468953135000000000 > testTable,agent_host=,host=mylocalhost,hostname=baz,server=bar connections=2i,latency="0.456" 1468953135000000000 ``` ### Config parameters * `agents`: Default: `[]` List of SNMP agents to connect to in the form of `[tcp://]IP[:PORT]`. If `:PORT` is unspecified, it defaults to `161`. When using the optional prefix `tcp://`, SNMP over TCP will be used. Otherwise UDP is used as the transport protocol. * `version`: Default: `2` SNMP protocol version to use. * `community`: Default: `"public"` SNMP community to use. * `max_repetitions`: Default: `50` Maximum number of iterations for repeating variables. * `sec_name`: Security name for authenticated SNMPv3 requests. * `auth_protocol`: Values: `"MD5"`,`"SHA"`,`""`. Default: `""` Authentication protocol for authenticated SNMPv3 requests. * `auth_password`: Authentication password for authenticated SNMPv3 requests. * `sec_level`: Values: `"noAuthNoPriv"`,`"authNoPriv"`,`"authPriv"`. Default: `"noAuthNoPriv"` Security level used for SNMPv3 messages. * `context_name`: Context name used for SNMPv3 requests. * `priv_protocol`: Values: `"DES"`,`"AES"`,`""`. Default: `""` Privacy protocol used for encrypted SNMPv3 messages. * `priv_password`: Privacy password used for encrypted SNMPv3 messages. * `name`: Output measurement name. #### Field parameters: * `oid`: OID to get. May be a numeric or textual OID. * `oid_index_suffix`: The OID sub-identifier to strip off so that the index can be matched against other fields in the table. * `oid_index_length`: Specifies the length of the index after the supplied table OID (in OID path segments). Truncates the index after this point to remove non-fixed value or length index suffixes. * `name`: Output field/tag name. If not specified, it defaults to the value of `oid`. If `oid` is numeric, an attempt to translate the numeric OID into a texual OID will be made. * `is_tag`: Output this field as a tag. * `conversion`: Values: `"float(X)"`,`"float"`,`"int"`,`""`. Default: `""` Converts the value according to the given specification. - `float(X)`: Converts the input value into a float and divides by the Xth power of 10. Efficively just moves the decimal left X places. For example a value of `123` with `float(2)` will result in `1.23`. - `float`: Converts the value into a float with no adjustment. Same as `float(0)`. - `int`: Convertes the value into an integer. - `hwaddr`: Converts the value to a MAC address. - `ipaddr`: Converts the value to an IP address. #### Table parameters: * `oid`: Automatically populates the table's fields using data from the MIB. * `name`: Output measurement name. If not specified, it defaults to the value of `oid`. If `oid` is numeric, an attempt to translate the numeric OID into a texual OID will be made. * `inherit_tags`: Which tags to inherit from the top-level config and to use in the output of this table's measurement. * `index_as_tag`: Adds each row's index within the table as a tag. ### MIB lookups If the plugin is configured such that it needs to perform lookups from the MIB, it will use the net-snmp utilities `snmptranslate` and `snmptable`. When performing the lookups, the plugin will load all available MIBs. If your MIB files are in a custom path, you may add the path using the `MIBDIRS` environment variable. See [`man 1 snmpcmd`](http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net/docs/man/snmpcmd.html#lbAK) for more information on the variable.