# Bond Input Plugin The Bond Input plugin collects network bond interface status, bond's slaves interfaces status and failures count of bond's slaves interfaces. The plugin collects these metrics from `/proc/net/bonding/*` files. ### Configuration: ```toml [[inputs.bond]] ## Sets 'proc' directory path ## If not specified, then default is /proc # host_proc = "/proc" ## By default, telegraf gather stats for all bond interfaces ## Setting interfaces will restrict the stats to the specified ## bond interfaces. # bond_interfaces = ["bond0"] ``` ### Measurements & Fields: - bond - active_slave (for active-backup mode) - status - bond_slave - failures - status ### Description: ``` active_slave Currently active slave interface for active-backup mode. status Status of bond interface or bonds's slave interface (down = 0, up = 1). failures Amount of failures for bond's slave interface. ``` ### Tags: - bond - bond - bond_slave - bond - interface ### Example output: Configuration: ``` [[inputs.bond]] ## Sets 'proc' directory path ## If not specified, then default is /proc host_proc = "/proc" ## By default, telegraf gather stats for all bond interfaces ## Setting interfaces will restrict the stats to the specified ## bond interfaces. bond_interfaces = ["bond0", "bond1"] ``` Run: ``` telegraf --config telegraf.conf --input-filter bond --test ``` Output: ``` * Plugin: inputs.bond, Collection 1 > bond,bond=bond1,host=local active_slave="eth0",status=1i 1509704525000000000 > bond_slave,bond=bond1,interface=eth0,host=local status=1i,failures=0i 1509704525000000000 > bond_slave,host=local,bond=bond1,interface=eth1 status=1i,failures=0i 1509704525000000000 > bond,bond=bond0,host=isvetlov-mac.local status=1i 1509704525000000000 > bond_slave,bond=bond0,interface=eth1,host=local status=1i,failures=0i 1509704525000000000 > bond_slave,bond=bond0,interface=eth2,host=local status=1i,failures=0i 1509704525000000000 ```