// +build linux,sensors

package sensors

import (



type Sensors struct {
	Sensors []string

func (_ *Sensors) Description() string {
	return "Monitor sensors using lm-sensors package"

var sensorsSampleConfig = `
  ## By default, telegraf gathers stats from all sensors detected by the
  ## lm-sensors module.
  ## Only collect stats from the selected sensors. Sensors are listed as
  ## <chip name>:<feature name>. This information can be found by running the
  ## sensors command, e.g. sensors -u
  ## A * as the feature name will return all features of the chip
  # sensors = ["coretemp-isa-0000:Core 0", "coretemp-isa-0001:*"]

func (_ *Sensors) SampleConfig() string {
	return sensorsSampleConfig

func (s *Sensors) Gather(acc telegraf.Accumulator) error {
	defer gosensors.Cleanup()

	for _, chip := range gosensors.GetDetectedChips() {
		for _, feature := range chip.GetFeatures() {
			chipName := chip.String()
			featureLabel := feature.GetLabel()

			if len(s.Sensors) != 0 {
				var found bool

				for _, sensor := range s.Sensors {
					parts := strings.SplitN(":", sensor, 2)

					if parts[0] == chipName {
						if parts[1] == "*" || parts[1] == featureLabel {
							found = true

				if !found {

			tags := map[string]string{
				"chip":          chipName,
				"adapter":       chip.AdapterName(),
				"feature-name":  feature.Name,
				"feature-label": featureLabel,

			fieldName := chipName + ":" + featureLabel

			fields := map[string]interface{}{
				fieldName: feature.GetValue(),

			acc.AddFields("sensors", fields, tags)

	return nil

func init() {
	inputs.Add("sensors", func() telegraf.Input {
		return &Sensors{}