#!/bin/bash # # This is the Telegraf CircleCI test script. Using this script allows total control # the environment in which the build and test is run, and matches the official # build process for InfluxDB. BUILD_DIR=$HOME/telegraf-build VERSION=`git describe --always --tags` # Executes the given statement, and exits if the command returns a non-zero code. function exit_if_fail { command=$@ echo "Executing '$command'" eval $command rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo "'$command' returned $rc." exit $rc fi } # Check that go fmt has been run. function check_go_fmt { fmtcount=`git ls-files | grep '.go$' | grep -v Godep | xargs gofmt -l 2>&1 | wc -l` if [ $fmtcount -gt 0 ]; then echo "run 'go fmt ./...' to format your source code." exit 1 fi } # build takes three arguments: GOOS & GOARCH & VERSION function build { echo -n "=> $1-$2: " GOOS=$1 GOARCH=$2 godep go build -o telegraf-$1-$2 \ -ldflags "-X main.Version=$3" \ ./cmd/telegraf/telegraf.go du -h telegraf-$1-$2 } # Set up the build directory, and then GOPATH. exit_if_fail mkdir $BUILD_DIR export GOPATH=$BUILD_DIR # Turning off GOGC speeds up build times export GOGC=off export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH exit_if_fail mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/influxdb # Get golint go get github.com/golang/lint/golint # Get godep tool go get github.com/tools/godep # Dump some test config to the log. echo "Test configuration" echo "========================================" echo "\$HOME: $HOME" echo "\$GOPATH: $GOPATH" echo "\$CIRCLE_BRANCH: $CIRCLE_BRANCH" # Move the checked-out source to a better location exit_if_fail mv $HOME/telegraf $GOPATH/src/github.com/influxdb exit_if_fail cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/influxdb/telegraf # Verify that go fmt has been run check_go_fmt # Build the code exit_if_fail godep go build -v ./... # Run the tests exit_if_fail godep go vet ./... exit_if_fail make docker-run-circle sleep 30 exit_if_fail godep go test -race ./... # Build binaries build "linux" "amd64" $VERSION build "linux" "386" $VERSION build "linux" "arm" $VERSION # Simple Integration Tests # check that version was properly set exit_if_fail "./telegraf-linux-amd64 -version | grep $VERSION" # check that one test cpu & mem output work tmpdir=$(mktemp -d) ./telegraf-linux-amd64 -sample-config > $tmpdir/config.toml exit_if_fail ./telegraf-linux-amd64 -config $tmpdir/config.toml \ -test -filter cpu:mem # Artifact binaries mv telegraf* $CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS exit $rc