Daniel Nelson 8d647c4ebf
Fix URL agent address form with udp in snmp input ()
2020-01-14 16:26:44 -08:00
testdata Fix snmp overriding of auto-configured table fields () 2018-05-29 19:03:37 -07:00 Rewrite documentation for snmp input () 2019-12-30 11:33:32 -08:00
snmp.go Fix URL agent address form with udp in snmp input () 2020-01-14 16:26:44 -08:00
snmp_mocks_generate.go Fix snmp overriding of auto-configured table fields () 2018-05-29 19:03:37 -07:00
snmp_mocks_test.go Enable gofmt code simplification () 2018-10-19 13:32:54 -07:00
snmp_test.go Fix URL agent address form with udp in snmp input () 2020-01-14 16:26:44 -08:00

SNMP Input Plugin

The snmp input plugin uses polling to gather metrics from SNMP agents. Support for gathering individual OIDs as well as complete SNMP tables is included.


This plugin uses the snmptable and snmptranslate programs from the net-snmp project. These tools will need to be installed into the PATH in order to be located. Other utilities from the net-snmp project may be useful for troubleshooting, but are not directly used by the plugin.

These programs will load available MIBs on the system. Typically the default directory for MIBs is /usr/share/snmp/mibs, but if your MIBs are in a different location you may need to make the paths known to net-snmp. The location of these files can be configured in the snmp.conf or via the MIBDIRS environment variable. See man 1 snmpcmd for more information.


  ## Agent addresses to retrieve values from.
  ##   example: agents = ["udp://"]
  ##            agents = ["tcp://"]
  agents = ["udp://"]

  ## Timeout for each request.
  # timeout = "5s"

  ## SNMP version; can be 1, 2, or 3.
  # version = 2

  ## SNMP community string.
  # community = "public"

  ## Number of retries to attempt.
  # retries = 3

  ## The GETBULK max-repetitions parameter.
  # max_repetitions = 10

  ## SNMPv3 authentication and encryption options.
  ## Security Name.
  # sec_name = "myuser"
  ## Authentication protocol; one of "MD5", "SHA", or "".
  # auth_protocol = "MD5"
  ## Authentication password.
  # auth_password = "pass"
  ## Security Level; one of "noAuthNoPriv", "authNoPriv", or "authPriv".
  # sec_level = "authNoPriv"
  ## Context Name.
  # context_name = ""
  ## Privacy protocol used for encrypted messages; one of "DES", "AES" or "".
  # priv_protocol = ""
  ## Privacy password used for encrypted messages.
  # priv_password = ""

  ## Add fields and tables defining the variables you wish to collect.  This
  ## example collects the system uptime and interface variables.  Reference the
  ## full plugin documentation for configuration details.
    oid = "RFC1213-MIB::sysUpTime.0"
    name = "uptime"

    oid = "RFC1213-MIB::sysName.0"
    name = "source"
    is_tag = true

    oid = "IF-MIB::ifTable"
    name = "interface"
    inherit_tags = ["source"]

      oid = "IF-MIB::ifDescr"
      name = "ifDescr"
      is_tag = true

Configure SNMP Requests

This plugin provides two methods for configuring the SNMP requests: fields and tables. Use the field option to gather single ad-hoc variables. To collect SNMP tables, use the table option.


Use a field to collect a variable by OID. Requests specified with this option operate similar to the snmpget utility.

  # ... snip ...

    ## Object identifier of the variable as a numeric or textual OID.
    oid = "RFC1213-MIB::sysName.0"

    ## Name of the field or tag to create.  If not specified, it defaults to
    ## the value of 'oid'. If 'oid' is numeric, an attempt to translate the
    ## numeric OID into a textual OID will be made.
    # name = ""

    ## If true the variable will be added as a tag, otherwise a field will be
    ## created.
    # is_tag = false

    ## Apply one of the following conversions to the variable value:
    ##   float(X) Convert the input value into a float and divides by the
    ##            Xth power of 10. Efficively just moves the decimal left
    ##            X places. For example a value of `123` with `float(2)`
    ##            will result in `1.23`.
    ##   float:   Convert the value into a float with no adjustment. Same
    ##            as `float(0)`.
    ##   int:     Convert the value into an integer.
    ##   hwaddr:  Convert the value to a MAC address.
    ##   ipaddr:  Convert the value to an IP address.
    # conversion = ""

Use a table to configure the collection of a SNMP table. SNMP requests formed with this option operate similarly way to the snmptable command.

Control the handling of specific table columns using a nested field. These nested fields are specified similarly to a top-level field.

All columns of the SNMP table will be collected, it is not required to add a nested field for each column, only those which you wish to modify. To exclude columns use metric filtering.

One metric is created for each row of the SNMP table.

  # ... snip ...

    ## Object identifier of the SNMP table as a numeric or textual OID.
    oid = "IF-MIB::ifTable"

    ## Name of the field or tag to create.  If not specified, it defaults to
    ## the value of 'oid'.  If 'oid' is numeric an attempt to translate the
    ## numeric OID into a textual OID will be made.
    # name = ""

    ## Which tags to inherit from the top-level config and to use in the output
    ## of this table's measurement.
    ## example: inherit_tags = ["source"]
    # inherit_tags = []

    ## Add an 'index' tag with the table row number.  Use this if the table has
    ## no indexes or if you are excluding them.  This option is normally not
    ## required as any index columns are automatically added as tags.
    # index_as_tag = false

      ## OID to get. May be a numeric or textual module-qualified OID.
      oid = "IF-MIB::ifDescr"

      ## Name of the field or tag to create.  If not specified, it defaults to
      ## the value of 'oid'. If 'oid' is numeric an attempt to translate the
      ## numeric OID into a textual OID will be made.
      # name = ""

      ## Output this field as a tag.
      # is_tag = false

      ## The OID sub-identifier to strip off so that the index can be matched
      ## against other fields in the table.
      # oid_index_suffix = ""

      ## Specifies the length of the index after the supplied table OID (in OID
      ## path segments). Truncates the index after this point to remove non-fixed
      ## value or length index suffixes.
      # oid_index_length = 0


Check that a numeric field can be translated to a textual field:

$ snmptranslate .

Request a top-level field:

$ snmpget -v2c -c public sysUpTime.0

Request a table:

$ snmptable -v2c -c public ifTable

To collect a packet capture, run this command in the background while running Telegraf or one of the above commands. Adjust the interface, host and port as needed:

$ sudo tcpdump -s 0 -i eth0 -w telegraf-snmp.pcap host and port 161

Example Output

snmp,agent_host=,source=loaner uptime=11331974i 1575509815000000000
interface,agent_host=,ifDescr=wlan0,ifIndex=3, ifAdminStatus=1i,ifInDiscards=0i,ifInErrors=0i,ifInNUcastPkts=0i,ifInOctets=3436617431i,ifInUcastPkts=2717778i,ifInUnknownProtos=0i,ifLastChange=0i,ifMtu=1500i,ifOperStatus=1i,ifOutDiscards=0i,ifOutErrors=0i,ifOutNUcastPkts=0i,ifOutOctets=581368041i,ifOutQLen=0i,ifOutUcastPkts=1354338i,ifPhysAddress="c8:5b:76:c9:e6:8c",ifSpecific=".0.0",ifSpeed=0i,ifType=6i 1575509815000000000
interface,agent_host=,ifDescr=eth0,ifIndex=2, ifAdminStatus=1i,ifInDiscards=0i,ifInErrors=0i,ifInNUcastPkts=21i,ifInOctets=3852386380i,ifInUcastPkts=3634004i,ifInUnknownProtos=0i,ifLastChange=9088763i,ifMtu=1500i,ifOperStatus=1i,ifOutDiscards=0i,ifOutErrors=0i,ifOutNUcastPkts=0i,ifOutOctets=434865441i,ifOutQLen=0i,ifOutUcastPkts=2110394i,ifPhysAddress="c8:5b:76:c9:e6:8c",ifSpecific=".0.0",ifSpeed=1000000000i,ifType=6i 1575509815000000000
interface,agent_host=,ifDescr=lo,ifIndex=1, ifAdminStatus=1i,ifInDiscards=0i,ifInErrors=0i,ifInNUcastPkts=0i,ifInOctets=51555569i,ifInUcastPkts=339097i,ifInUnknownProtos=0i,ifLastChange=0i,ifMtu=65536i,ifOperStatus=1i,ifOutDiscards=0i,ifOutErrors=0i,ifOutNUcastPkts=0i,ifOutOctets=51555569i,ifOutQLen=0i,ifOutUcastPkts=339097i,ifSpecific=".0.0",ifSpeed=10000000i,ifType=24i 1575509815000000000