Dmitry Ilyin 02174031c8 Add logstash input plugin (#4910) 2019-08-21 16:34:28 -07:00
.. Add logstash input plugin (#4910) 2019-08-21 16:34:28 -07:00
logstash.go Add logstash input plugin (#4910) 2019-08-21 16:34:28 -07:00
logstash_test.go Add logstash input plugin (#4910) 2019-08-21 16:34:28 -07:00
samples_logstash5.go Add logstash input plugin (#4910) 2019-08-21 16:34:28 -07:00
samples_logstash6.go Add logstash input plugin (#4910) 2019-08-21 16:34:28 -07:00

Logstash Input Plugin

This plugin reads metrics exposed by Logstash Monitoring API.


  ## This plugin reads metrics exposed by Logstash Monitoring API.

  ## The URL of the exposed Logstash API endpoint
  url = ""

  ## Enable Logstash 6+ multi-pipeline statistics support
  multi_pipeline = true

  ## Should the general process statistics be gathered
  collect_process_stats = true

  ## Should the JVM specific statistics be gathered
  collect_jvm_stats = true

  ## Should the event pipelines statistics be gathered
  collect_pipelines_stats = true

  ## Should the plugin statistics be gathered
  collect_plugins_stats = true

  ## Should the queue statistics be gathered
  collect_queue_stats = true

  ## HTTP method
  # method = "GET"

  ## Optional HTTP headers
  # headers = {"X-Special-Header" = "Special-Value"}

  ## Override HTTP "Host" header
  # host_header = ""

  ## Timeout for HTTP requests
  timeout = "5s"

  ## Optional HTTP Basic Auth credentials
  # username = "username"
  # password = "pa$$word"

  ## Optional TLS Config
  # tls_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem"
  # tls_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem"
  # tls_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem"

  ## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
  # insecure_skip_verify = false

Measurements & Fields:

  • logstash_jvm

    • Fields:
      • threads_peak_count
      • mem_pools_survivor_peak_max_in_bytes
      • mem_pools_survivor_max_in_bytes
      • mem_pools_old_peak_used_in_bytes
      • mem_pools_young_used_in_bytes
      • mem_non_heap_committed_in_bytes
      • threads_count
      • mem_pools_old_committed_in_bytes
      • mem_pools_young_peak_max_in_bytes
      • mem_heap_used_percent
      • gc_collectors_young_collection_time_in_millis
      • mem_pools_survivor_peak_used_in_bytes
      • mem_pools_young_committed_in_bytes
      • gc_collectors_old_collection_time_in_millis
      • gc_collectors_old_collection_count
      • mem_pools_survivor_used_in_bytes
      • mem_pools_old_used_in_bytes
      • mem_pools_young_max_in_bytes
      • mem_heap_max_in_bytes
      • mem_non_heap_used_in_bytes
      • mem_pools_survivor_committed_in_bytes
      • mem_pools_old_max_in_bytes
      • mem_heap_committed_in_bytes
      • mem_pools_old_peak_max_in_bytes
      • mem_pools_young_peak_used_in_bytes
      • mem_heap_used_in_bytes
      • gc_collectors_young_collection_count
      • uptime_in_millis
    • Tags:
      • node_id
      • node_name
      • node_host
      • node_version
  • logstash_process

    • Fields:
      • open_file_descriptors
      • cpu_load_average_1m
      • cpu_load_average_5m
      • cpu_load_average_15m
      • cpu_total_in_millis
      • cpu_percent
      • peak_open_file_descriptors
      • max_file_descriptors
      • mem_total_virtual_in_bytes
      • mem_total_virtual_in_bytes
    • Tags:
      • node_id
      • node_name
      • node_host
      • node_version
  • logstash_events

    • Fields:
      • queue_push_duration_in_millis
      • duration_in_millis
      • in
      • filtered
      • out
    • Tags:
      • node_id
      • node_name
      • node_host
      • node_version
      • pipeline (for Logstash 6 only)
  • logstash_plugins

    • Fields:
      • queue_push_duration_in_millis (for input plugins only)
      • duration_in_millis
      • in
      • out
    • Tags:
      • node_id
      • node_name
      • node_host
      • node_version
      • pipeline (for Logstash 6 only)
      • plugin_id
      • plugin_name
      • plugin_type
  • logstash_queue

    • Fields:
      • events
      • free_space_in_bytes
      • max_queue_size_in_bytes
      • max_unread_events
      • page_capacity_in_bytes
      • queue_size_in_bytes
    • Tags:
      • node_id
      • node_name
      • node_host
      • node_version
      • pipeline (for Logstash 6 only)
      • queue_type

Tags description

  • node_id - The uuid of the logstash node. Randomly generated.
  • node_name - The name of the logstash node. Can be defined in the logstash.yml or defaults to the hostname. Can be used to break apart metrics from different logstash instances of the same host.
  • node_host - The hostname of the logstash node. Can be different from the telegraf's host if a remote connection to logstash instance is used.
  • node_version - The version of logstash service running on this node.
  • pipeline (for Logstash 6 only) - The name of a pipeline if multi-pipeline is configured. Will defaults to "main" if there is only one pipeline and will be missing for logstash 5.
  • plugin_id - The unique id of this plugin. It will be a randomly generated string unless it's defined in the logstash pipeline config file.
  • plugin_name - The name of this plugin. i.e. file, elasticsearch, date, mangle.
  • plugin_type - The type of this plugin i.e. input/filter/output.
  • queue_type - The type of the event queue (memory/persisted).

Example Output:

$ ./telegraf -config telegraf.conf -input-filter logstash -test

> logstash_jvm,host=node-6,node_host=node-6,node_id=3044f675-21ce-4335-898a-8408aa678245,node_name=node-6-test,node_version=6.4.2
  gc_collectors_old_collection_count=5,gc_collectors_old_collection_time_in_millis=702,gc_collectors_young_collection_count=95,gc_collectors_young_collection_time_in_millis=4772,mem_heap_committed_in_bytes=360804352,mem_heap_max_in_bytes=8389328896,mem_heap_used_in_bytes=252629768,mem_heap_used_percent=3,mem_non_heap_committed_in_bytes=212144128,mem_non_heap_used_in_bytes=188726024,mem_pools_old_committed_in_bytes=280260608,mem_pools_old_max_in_bytes=6583418880,mem_pools_old_peak_max_in_bytes=6583418880,mem_pools_old_peak_used_in_bytes=235352976,mem_pools_old_used_in_bytes=194754608,mem_pools_survivor_committed_in_bytes=8912896,mem_pools_survivor_max_in_bytes=200605696,mem_pools_survivor_peak_max_in_bytes=200605696,mem_pools_survivor_peak_used_in_bytes=8912896,mem_pools_survivor_used_in_bytes=4476680,mem_pools_young_committed_in_bytes=71630848,mem_pools_young_max_in_bytes=1605304320,mem_pools_young_peak_max_in_bytes=1605304320,mem_pools_young_peak_used_in_bytes=71630848,mem_pools_young_used_in_bytes=53398480,threads_count=60,threads_peak_count=62,uptime_in_millis=10469014 1540289864000000000
> logstash_process,host=node-6,node_host=node-6,node_id=3044f675-21ce-4335-898a-8408aa678245,node_name=node-6-test,node_version=6.4.2
  cpu_load_average_15m=39.84,cpu_load_average_1m=32.87,cpu_load_average_5m=39.23,cpu_percent=0,cpu_total_in_millis=389920,max_file_descriptors=262144,mem_total_virtual_in_bytes=17921355776,open_file_descriptors=132,peak_open_file_descriptors=140 1540289864000000000
> logstash_events,host=node-6,node_host=node-6,node_id=3044f675-21ce-4335-898a-8408aa678245,node_name=node-6-test,node_version=6.4.2,pipeline=main
  duration_in_millis=175144,filtered=4543,in=4543,out=4543,queue_push_duration_in_millis=19 1540289864000000000
> logstash_plugins,host=node-6,node_host=node-6,node_id=3044f675-21ce-4335-898a-8408aa678245,node_name=node-6-test,node_version=6.4.2,pipeline=main,plugin_id=input-kafka,plugin_name=kafka,plugin_type=input
  duration_in_millis=0,in=0,out=4543,queue_push_duration_in_millis=19 1540289864000000000