
392 lines
9.1 KiB

package v1
import (
var (
invalidNameCharRE = regexp.MustCompile(`[^a-zA-Z0-9_:]`)
validNameCharRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*`)
// SampleID uniquely identifies a Sample
type SampleID string
// Sample represents the current value of a series.
type Sample struct {
// Labels are the Prometheus labels.
Labels map[string]string
// Value is the value in the Prometheus output. Only one of these will populated.
Value float64
HistogramValue map[float64]uint64
SummaryValue map[float64]float64
// Histograms and Summaries need a count and a sum
Count uint64
Sum float64
// Metric timestamp
Timestamp time.Time
// Expiration is the deadline that this Sample is valid until.
Expiration time.Time
// MetricFamily contains the data required to build valid prometheus Metrics.
type MetricFamily struct {
// Samples are the Sample belonging to this MetricFamily.
Samples map[SampleID]*Sample
// Need the telegraf ValueType because there isn't a Prometheus ValueType
// representing Histogram or Summary
TelegrafValueType telegraf.ValueType
// LabelSet is the label counts for all Samples.
LabelSet map[string]int
type Collector struct {
ExpirationInterval time.Duration
StringAsLabel bool
ExportTimestamp bool
Log telegraf.Logger
fam map[string]*MetricFamily
func NewCollector(expire time.Duration, stringsAsLabel bool, logger telegraf.Logger) *Collector {
return &Collector{
ExpirationInterval: expire,
StringAsLabel: stringsAsLabel,
Log: logger,
fam: make(map[string]*MetricFamily),
func (c *Collector) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{Name: "Dummy", Help: "Dummy"}).Describe(ch)
func (c *Collector) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
defer c.Unlock()
c.Expire(time.Now(), c.ExpirationInterval)
for name, family := range c.fam {
// Get list of all labels on MetricFamily
var labelNames []string
for k, v := range family.LabelSet {
if v > 0 {
labelNames = append(labelNames, k)
desc := prometheus.NewDesc(name, "Telegraf collected metric", labelNames, nil)
for _, sample := range family.Samples {
// Get labels for this sample; unset labels will be set to the
// empty string
var labels []string
for _, label := range labelNames {
v := sample.Labels[label]
labels = append(labels, v)
var metric prometheus.Metric
var err error
switch family.TelegrafValueType {
case telegraf.Summary:
metric, err = prometheus.NewConstSummary(desc, sample.Count, sample.Sum, sample.SummaryValue, labels...)
case telegraf.Histogram:
metric, err = prometheus.NewConstHistogram(desc, sample.Count, sample.Sum, sample.HistogramValue, labels...)
metric, err = prometheus.NewConstMetric(desc, getPromValueType(family.TelegrafValueType), sample.Value, labels...)
if err != nil {
c.Log.Errorf("Error creating prometheus metric: "+
"key: %s, labels: %v, err: %v",
name, labels, err)
if c.ExportTimestamp {
metric = prometheus.NewMetricWithTimestamp(sample.Timestamp, metric)
ch <- metric
func sanitize(value string) string {
return invalidNameCharRE.ReplaceAllString(value, "_")
func isValidTagName(tag string) bool {
return validNameCharRE.MatchString(tag)
func getPromValueType(tt telegraf.ValueType) prometheus.ValueType {
switch tt {
case telegraf.Counter:
return prometheus.CounterValue
case telegraf.Gauge:
return prometheus.GaugeValue
return prometheus.UntypedValue
// CreateSampleID creates a SampleID based on the tags of a telegraf.Metric.
func CreateSampleID(tags map[string]string) SampleID {
pairs := make([]string, 0, len(tags))
for k, v := range tags {
pairs = append(pairs, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
return SampleID(strings.Join(pairs, ","))
func addSample(fam *MetricFamily, sample *Sample, sampleID SampleID) {
for k := range sample.Labels {
fam.Samples[sampleID] = sample
func (c *Collector) addMetricFamily(point telegraf.Metric, sample *Sample, mname string, sampleID SampleID) {
var fam *MetricFamily
var ok bool
if fam, ok = c.fam[mname]; !ok {
fam = &MetricFamily{
Samples: make(map[SampleID]*Sample),
TelegrafValueType: point.Type(),
LabelSet: make(map[string]int),
c.fam[mname] = fam
addSample(fam, sample, sampleID)
// Sorted returns a copy of the metrics in time ascending order. A copy is
// made to avoid modifying the input metric slice since doing so is not
// allowed.
func sorted(metrics []telegraf.Metric) []telegraf.Metric {
batch := make([]telegraf.Metric, 0, len(metrics))
for i := len(metrics) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
batch = append(batch, metrics[i])
sort.Slice(batch, func(i, j int) bool {
return batch[i].Time().Before(batch[j].Time())
return batch
func (c *Collector) Add(metrics []telegraf.Metric) error {
defer c.Unlock()
now := time.Now()
for _, point := range sorted(metrics) {
tags := point.Tags()
sampleID := CreateSampleID(tags)
labels := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range tags {
tName := sanitize(k)
if !isValidTagName(tName) {
labels[tName] = v
// Prometheus doesn't have a string value type, so convert string
// fields to labels if enabled.
if c.StringAsLabel {
for fn, fv := range point.Fields() {
switch fv := fv.(type) {
case string:
tName := sanitize(fn)
if !isValidTagName(tName) {
labels[tName] = fv
switch point.Type() {
case telegraf.Summary:
var mname string
var sum float64
var count uint64
summaryvalue := make(map[float64]float64)
for fn, fv := range point.Fields() {
var value float64
switch fv := fv.(type) {
case int64:
value = float64(fv)
case uint64:
value = float64(fv)
case float64:
value = fv
switch fn {
case "sum":
sum = value
case "count":
count = uint64(value)
limit, err := strconv.ParseFloat(fn, 64)
if err == nil {
summaryvalue[limit] = value
sample := &Sample{
Labels: labels,
SummaryValue: summaryvalue,
Count: count,
Sum: sum,
Timestamp: point.Time(),
Expiration: now.Add(c.ExpirationInterval),
mname = sanitize(point.Name())
if !isValidTagName(mname) {
c.addMetricFamily(point, sample, mname, sampleID)
case telegraf.Histogram:
var mname string
var sum float64
var count uint64
histogramvalue := make(map[float64]uint64)
for fn, fv := range point.Fields() {
var value float64
switch fv := fv.(type) {
case int64:
value = float64(fv)
case uint64:
value = float64(fv)
case float64:
value = fv
switch fn {
case "sum":
sum = value
case "count":
count = uint64(value)
limit, err := strconv.ParseFloat(fn, 64)
if err == nil {
histogramvalue[limit] = uint64(value)
sample := &Sample{
Labels: labels,
HistogramValue: histogramvalue,
Count: count,
Sum: sum,
Timestamp: point.Time(),
Expiration: now.Add(c.ExpirationInterval),
mname = sanitize(point.Name())
if !isValidTagName(mname) {
c.addMetricFamily(point, sample, mname, sampleID)
for fn, fv := range point.Fields() {
// Ignore string and bool fields.
var value float64
switch fv := fv.(type) {
case int64:
value = float64(fv)
case uint64:
value = float64(fv)
case float64:
value = fv
sample := &Sample{
Labels: labels,
Value: value,
Timestamp: point.Time(),
Expiration: now.Add(c.ExpirationInterval),
// Special handling of value field; supports passthrough from
// the prometheus input.
var mname string
switch point.Type() {
case telegraf.Counter:
if fn == "counter" {
mname = sanitize(point.Name())
case telegraf.Gauge:
if fn == "gauge" {
mname = sanitize(point.Name())
if mname == "" {
if fn == "value" {
mname = sanitize(point.Name())
} else {
mname = sanitize(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", point.Name(), fn))
if !isValidTagName(mname) {
c.addMetricFamily(point, sample, mname, sampleID)
return nil
func (c *Collector) Expire(now time.Time, age time.Duration) {
if age == 0 {
for name, family := range c.fam {
for key, sample := range family.Samples {
if age != 0 && now.After(sample.Expiration) {
for k := range sample.Labels {
delete(family.Samples, key)
if len(family.Samples) == 0 {
delete(c.fam, name)