345 lines
8.9 KiB
345 lines
8.9 KiB
package main
import (
_ "github.com/influxdata/telegraf/plugins/aggregators/all"
_ "github.com/influxdata/telegraf/plugins/inputs/all"
_ "github.com/influxdata/telegraf/plugins/outputs/all"
_ "github.com/influxdata/telegraf/plugins/processors/all"
var fDebug = flag.Bool("debug", false,
"turn on debug logging")
var fQuiet = flag.Bool("quiet", false,
"run in quiet mode")
var fTest = flag.Bool("test", false, "gather metrics, print them out, and exit")
var fConfig = flag.String("config", "", "configuration file to load")
var fConfigDirectory = flag.String("config-directory", "",
"directory containing additional *.conf files")
var fVersion = flag.Bool("version", false, "display the version")
var fSampleConfig = flag.Bool("sample-config", false,
"print out full sample configuration")
var fPidfile = flag.String("pidfile", "", "file to write our pid to")
var fInputFilters = flag.String("input-filter", "",
"filter the inputs to enable, separator is :")
var fInputList = flag.Bool("input-list", false,
"print available input plugins.")
var fOutputFilters = flag.String("output-filter", "",
"filter the outputs to enable, separator is :")
var fOutputList = flag.Bool("output-list", false,
"print available output plugins.")
var fAggregatorFilters = flag.String("aggregator-filter", "",
"filter the aggregators to enable, separator is :")
var fProcessorFilters = flag.String("processor-filter", "",
"filter the processors to enable, separator is :")
var fUsage = flag.String("usage", "",
"print usage for a plugin, ie, 'telegraf -usage mysql'")
var fService = flag.String("service", "",
"operate on the service")
// Telegraf version, populated linker.
// ie, -ldflags "-X main.version=`git describe --always --tags`"
var (
version string
commit string
branch string
func init() {
// If commit or branch are not set, make that clear.
if commit == "" {
commit = "unknown"
if branch == "" {
branch = "unknown"
const usage = `Telegraf, The plugin-driven server agent for collecting and reporting metrics.
telegraf [commands|flags]
The commands & flags are:
config print out full sample configuration to stdout
version print the version to stdout
--config <file> configuration file to load
--test gather metrics once, print them to stdout, and exit
--config-directory directory containing additional *.conf files
--input-filter filter the input plugins to enable, separator is :
--output-filter filter the output plugins to enable, separator is :
--usage print usage for a plugin, ie, 'telegraf --usage mysql'
--debug print metrics as they're generated to stdout
--quiet run in quiet mode
# generate a telegraf config file:
telegraf config > telegraf.conf
# generate config with only cpu input & influxdb output plugins defined
telegraf config -input-filter cpu -output-filter influxdb
# run a single telegraf collection, outputing metrics to stdout
telegraf --config telegraf.conf -test
# run telegraf with all plugins defined in config file
telegraf --config telegraf.conf
# run telegraf, enabling the cpu & memory input, and influxdb output plugins
telegraf --config telegraf.conf --input-filter cpu:mem --output-filter influxdb
var stop chan struct{}
var srvc service.Service
type program struct{}
func reloadLoop(stop chan struct{}, s service.Service) {
defer func() {
if service.Interactive() {
reload := make(chan bool, 1)
reload <- true
for <-reload {
reload <- false
args := flag.Args()
var inputFilters []string
if *fInputFilters != "" {
inputFilter := strings.TrimSpace(*fInputFilters)
inputFilters = strings.Split(":"+inputFilter+":", ":")
var outputFilters []string
if *fOutputFilters != "" {
outputFilter := strings.TrimSpace(*fOutputFilters)
outputFilters = strings.Split(":"+outputFilter+":", ":")
var aggregatorFilters []string
if *fAggregatorFilters != "" {
aggregatorFilter := strings.TrimSpace(*fAggregatorFilters)
aggregatorFilters = strings.Split(":"+aggregatorFilter+":", ":")
var processorFilters []string
if *fProcessorFilters != "" {
processorFilter := strings.TrimSpace(*fProcessorFilters)
processorFilters = strings.Split(":"+processorFilter+":", ":")
if len(args) > 0 {
switch args[0] {
case "version":
fmt.Printf("Telegraf v%s (git: %s %s)\n", version, branch, commit)
case "config":
// switch for flags which just do something and exit immediately
switch {
case *fOutputList:
fmt.Println("Available Output Plugins:")
for k, _ := range outputs.Outputs {
fmt.Printf(" %s\n", k)
case *fInputList:
fmt.Println("Available Input Plugins:")
for k, _ := range inputs.Inputs {
fmt.Printf(" %s\n", k)
case *fVersion:
fmt.Printf("Telegraf v%s (git: %s %s)\n", version, branch, commit)
case *fSampleConfig:
case *fUsage != "":
if err := config.PrintInputConfig(*fUsage); err != nil {
if err2 := config.PrintOutputConfig(*fUsage); err2 != nil {
log.Fatalf("E! %s and %s", err, err2)
// If no other options are specified, load the config file and run.
c := config.NewConfig()
c.OutputFilters = outputFilters
c.InputFilters = inputFilters
err := c.LoadConfig(*fConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("E! " + err.Error())
if *fConfigDirectory != "" {
err = c.LoadDirectory(*fConfigDirectory)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("E! " + err.Error())
if len(c.Outputs) == 0 {
log.Fatalf("E! Error: no outputs found, did you provide a valid config file?")
if len(c.Inputs) == 0 {
log.Fatalf("E! Error: no inputs found, did you provide a valid config file?")
ag, err := agent.NewAgent(c)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("E! " + err.Error())
// Setup logging
ag.Config.Agent.Debug || *fDebug,
ag.Config.Agent.Quiet || *fQuiet,
if *fTest {
err = ag.Test()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("E! " + err.Error())
err = ag.Connect()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("E! " + err.Error())
shutdown := make(chan struct{})
signals := make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(signals, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGHUP)
go func() {
select {
case sig := <-signals:
if sig == os.Interrupt {
if sig == syscall.SIGHUP {
log.Printf("I! Reloading Telegraf config\n")
reload <- true
case <-stop:
log.Printf("I! Starting Telegraf (version %s)\n", version)
log.Printf("I! Loaded outputs: %s", strings.Join(c.OutputNames(), " "))
log.Printf("I! Loaded inputs: %s", strings.Join(c.InputNames(), " "))
log.Printf("I! Tags enabled: %s", c.ListTags())
if *fPidfile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*fPidfile)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("E! Unable to create pidfile: %s", err)
fmt.Fprintf(f, "%d\n", os.Getpid())
func usageExit(rc int) {
func (p *program) Start(s service.Service) error {
srvc = s
go p.run()
return nil
func (p *program) run() {
stop = make(chan struct{})
reloadLoop(stop, srvc)
func (p *program) Stop(s service.Service) error {
return nil
func main() {
flag.Usage = func() { usageExit(0) }
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
svcConfig := &service.Config{
Name: "telegraf",
DisplayName: "Telegraf Data Collector Service",
Description: "Collects data using a series of plugins and publishes it to" +
"another series of plugins.",
Arguments: []string{"-config", "C:\\Program Files\\Telegraf\\telegraf.conf"},
prg := &program{}
s, err := service.New(prg, svcConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("E! " + err.Error())
// Handle the -service flag here to prevent any issues with tooling that
// may not have an interactive session, e.g. installing from Ansible.
if *fService != "" {
if *fConfig != "" {
(*svcConfig).Arguments = []string{"-config", *fConfig}
err := service.Control(s, *fService)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("E! " + err.Error())
} else {
err = s.Run()
if err != nil {
log.Println("E! " + err.Error())
} else {
stop = make(chan struct{})
reloadLoop(stop, nil)