
925 lines
26 KiB

package sarama
import (
// AsyncProducer publishes Kafka messages using a non-blocking API. It routes messages
// to the correct broker for the provided topic-partition, refreshing metadata as appropriate,
// and parses responses for errors. You must read from the Errors() channel or the
// producer will deadlock. You must call Close() or AsyncClose() on a producer to avoid
// leaks: it will not be garbage-collected automatically when it passes out of
// scope.
type AsyncProducer interface {
// AsyncClose triggers a shutdown of the producer, flushing any messages it may have
// buffered. The shutdown has completed when both the Errors and Successes channels
// have been closed. When calling AsyncClose, you *must* continue to read from those
// channels in order to drain the results of any messages in flight.
// Close shuts down the producer and flushes any messages it may have buffered.
// You must call this function before a producer object passes out of scope, as
// it may otherwise leak memory. You must call this before calling Close on the
// underlying client.
Close() error
// Input is the input channel for the user to write messages to that they wish to send.
Input() chan<- *ProducerMessage
// Successes is the success output channel back to the user when AckSuccesses is enabled.
// If Return.Successes is true, you MUST read from this channel or the Producer will deadlock.
// It is suggested that you send and read messages together in a single select statement.
Successes() <-chan *ProducerMessage
// Errors is the error output channel back to the user. You MUST read from this channel
// or the Producer will deadlock when the channel is full. Alternatively, you can set
// Producer.Return.Errors in your config to false, which prevents errors to be returned.
Errors() <-chan *ProducerError
type asyncProducer struct {
client Client
conf *Config
ownClient bool
errors chan *ProducerError
input, successes, retries chan *ProducerMessage
inFlight sync.WaitGroup
brokers map[*Broker]chan<- *ProducerMessage
brokerRefs map[chan<- *ProducerMessage]int
brokerLock sync.Mutex
// NewAsyncProducer creates a new AsyncProducer using the given broker addresses and configuration.
func NewAsyncProducer(addrs []string, conf *Config) (AsyncProducer, error) {
client, err := NewClient(addrs, conf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p, err := NewAsyncProducerFromClient(client)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p.(*asyncProducer).ownClient = true
return p, nil
// NewAsyncProducerFromClient creates a new Producer using the given client. It is still
// necessary to call Close() on the underlying client when shutting down this producer.
func NewAsyncProducerFromClient(client Client) (AsyncProducer, error) {
// Check that we are not dealing with a closed Client before processing any other arguments
if client.Closed() {
return nil, ErrClosedClient
p := &asyncProducer{
client: client,
conf: client.Config(),
errors: make(chan *ProducerError),
input: make(chan *ProducerMessage),
successes: make(chan *ProducerMessage),
retries: make(chan *ProducerMessage),
brokers: make(map[*Broker]chan<- *ProducerMessage),
brokerRefs: make(map[chan<- *ProducerMessage]int),
// launch our singleton dispatchers
go withRecover(p.dispatcher)
go withRecover(p.retryHandler)
return p, nil
type flagSet int8
const (
chaser flagSet = 1 << iota // message is last in a group that failed
shutdown // start the shutdown process
// ProducerMessage is the collection of elements passed to the Producer in order to send a message.
type ProducerMessage struct {
Topic string // The Kafka topic for this message.
Key Encoder // The partitioning key for this message. It must implement the Encoder interface. Pre-existing Encoders include StringEncoder and ByteEncoder.
Value Encoder // The actual message to store in Kafka. It must implement the Encoder interface. Pre-existing Encoders include StringEncoder and ByteEncoder.
// These are filled in by the producer as the message is processed
Offset int64 // Offset is the offset of the message stored on the broker. This is only guaranteed to be defined if the message was successfully delivered and RequiredAcks is not NoResponse.
Partition int32 // Partition is the partition that the message was sent to. This is only guaranteed to be defined if the message was successfully delivered.
Metadata interface{} // This field is used to hold arbitrary data you wish to include so it will be available when receiving on the Successes and Errors channels. Sarama completely ignores this field and is only to be used for pass-through data.
retries int
flags flagSet
func (m *ProducerMessage) byteSize() int {
size := 26 // the metadata overhead of CRC, flags, etc.
if m.Key != nil {
size += m.Key.Length()
if m.Value != nil {
size += m.Value.Length()
return size
func (m *ProducerMessage) clear() {
m.flags = 0
m.retries = 0
// ProducerError is the type of error generated when the producer fails to deliver a message.
// It contains the original ProducerMessage as well as the actual error value.
type ProducerError struct {
Msg *ProducerMessage
Err error
func (pe ProducerError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("kafka: Failed to produce message to topic %s: %s", pe.Msg.Topic, pe.Err)
// ProducerErrors is a type that wraps a batch of "ProducerError"s and implements the Error interface.
// It can be returned from the Producer's Close method to avoid the need to manually drain the Errors channel
// when closing a producer.
type ProducerErrors []*ProducerError
func (pe ProducerErrors) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("kafka: Failed to deliver %d messages.", len(pe))
func (p *asyncProducer) Errors() <-chan *ProducerError {
return p.errors
func (p *asyncProducer) Successes() <-chan *ProducerMessage {
return p.successes
func (p *asyncProducer) Input() chan<- *ProducerMessage {
return p.input
func (p *asyncProducer) Close() error {
if p.conf.Producer.Return.Successes {
go withRecover(func() {
for _ = range p.successes {
var errors ProducerErrors
if p.conf.Producer.Return.Errors {
for event := range p.errors {
errors = append(errors, event)
if len(errors) > 0 {
return errors
return nil
func (p *asyncProducer) AsyncClose() {
go withRecover(p.shutdown)
// singleton
// dispatches messages by topic
func (p *asyncProducer) dispatcher() {
handlers := make(map[string]chan<- *ProducerMessage)
shuttingDown := false
for msg := range p.input {
if msg == nil {
Logger.Println("Something tried to send a nil message, it was ignored.")
if msg.flags&shutdown != 0 {
shuttingDown = true
} else if msg.retries == 0 {
if shuttingDown {
// we can't just call returnError here because that decrements the wait group,
// which hasn't been incremented yet for this message, and shouldn't be
pErr := &ProducerError{Msg: msg, Err: ErrShuttingDown}
if p.conf.Producer.Return.Errors {
p.errors <- pErr
} else {
if (p.conf.Producer.Compression == CompressionNone && msg.Value != nil && msg.Value.Length() > p.conf.Producer.MaxMessageBytes) ||
(msg.byteSize() > p.conf.Producer.MaxMessageBytes) {
p.returnError(msg, ErrMessageSizeTooLarge)
handler := handlers[msg.Topic]
if handler == nil {
handler = p.newTopicProducer(msg.Topic)
handlers[msg.Topic] = handler
handler <- msg
for _, handler := range handlers {
// one per topic
// partitions messages, then dispatches them by partition
type topicProducer struct {
parent *asyncProducer
topic string
input <-chan *ProducerMessage
breaker *breaker.Breaker
handlers map[int32]chan<- *ProducerMessage
partitioner Partitioner
func (p *asyncProducer) newTopicProducer(topic string) chan<- *ProducerMessage {
input := make(chan *ProducerMessage, p.conf.ChannelBufferSize)
tp := &topicProducer{
parent: p,
topic: topic,
input: input,
breaker: breaker.New(3, 1, 10*time.Second),
handlers: make(map[int32]chan<- *ProducerMessage),
partitioner: p.conf.Producer.Partitioner(topic),
go withRecover(tp.dispatch)
return input
func (tp *topicProducer) dispatch() {
for msg := range tp.input {
if msg.retries == 0 {
if err := tp.partitionMessage(msg); err != nil {
tp.parent.returnError(msg, err)
handler := tp.handlers[msg.Partition]
if handler == nil {
handler = tp.parent.newPartitionProducer(msg.Topic, msg.Partition)
tp.handlers[msg.Partition] = handler
handler <- msg
for _, handler := range tp.handlers {
func (tp *topicProducer) partitionMessage(msg *ProducerMessage) error {
var partitions []int32
err := tp.breaker.Run(func() (err error) {
if tp.partitioner.RequiresConsistency() {
partitions, err = tp.parent.client.Partitions(msg.Topic)
} else {
partitions, err = tp.parent.client.WritablePartitions(msg.Topic)
if err != nil {
return err
numPartitions := int32(len(partitions))
if numPartitions == 0 {
return ErrLeaderNotAvailable
choice, err := tp.partitioner.Partition(msg, numPartitions)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if choice < 0 || choice >= numPartitions {
return ErrInvalidPartition
msg.Partition = partitions[choice]
return nil
// one per partition per topic
// dispatches messages to the appropriate broker
// also responsible for maintaining message order during retries
type partitionProducer struct {
parent *asyncProducer
topic string
partition int32
input <-chan *ProducerMessage
leader *Broker
breaker *breaker.Breaker
output chan<- *ProducerMessage
// highWatermark tracks the "current" retry level, which is the only one where we actually let messages through,
// all other messages get buffered in retryState[msg.retries].buf to preserve ordering
// retryState[msg.retries].expectChaser simply tracks whether we've seen a chaser message for a given level (and
// therefore whether our buffer is complete and safe to flush)
highWatermark int
retryState []partitionRetryState
type partitionRetryState struct {
buf []*ProducerMessage
expectChaser bool
func (p *asyncProducer) newPartitionProducer(topic string, partition int32) chan<- *ProducerMessage {
input := make(chan *ProducerMessage, p.conf.ChannelBufferSize)
pp := &partitionProducer{
parent: p,
topic: topic,
partition: partition,
input: input,
breaker: breaker.New(3, 1, 10*time.Second),
retryState: make([]partitionRetryState, p.conf.Producer.Retry.Max+1),
go withRecover(pp.dispatch)
return input
func (pp *partitionProducer) dispatch() {
// try to prefetch the leader; if this doesn't work, we'll do a proper call to `updateLeader`
// on the first message
pp.leader, _ = pp.parent.client.Leader(pp.topic, pp.partition)
if pp.leader != nil {
pp.output = pp.parent.getBrokerProducer(pp.leader)
for msg := range pp.input {
if msg.retries > pp.highWatermark {
// a new, higher, retry level; handle it and then back off
} else if pp.highWatermark > 0 {
// we are retrying something (else highWatermark would be 0) but this message is not a *new* retry level
if msg.retries < pp.highWatermark {
// in fact this message is not even the current retry level, so buffer it for now (unless it's a just a chaser)
if msg.flags&chaser == chaser {
pp.retryState[msg.retries].expectChaser = false
pp.parent.inFlight.Done() // this chaser is now handled and will be garbage collected
} else {
pp.retryState[msg.retries].buf = append(pp.retryState[msg.retries].buf, msg)
} else if msg.flags&chaser == chaser {
// this message is of the current retry level (msg.retries == highWatermark) and the chaser flag is set,
// meaning this retry level is done and we can go down (at least) one level and flush that
pp.retryState[pp.highWatermark].expectChaser = false
pp.parent.inFlight.Done() // this chaser is now handled and will be garbage collected
// if we made it this far then the current msg contains real data, and can be sent to the next goroutine
// without breaking any of our ordering guarantees
if pp.output == nil {
if err := pp.updateLeader(); err != nil {
pp.parent.returnError(msg, err)
Logger.Printf("producer/leader/%s/%d selected broker %d\n", pp.topic, pp.partition, pp.leader.ID())
pp.output <- msg
if pp.output != nil {
pp.parent.unrefBrokerProducer(pp.leader, pp.output)
func (pp *partitionProducer) newHighWatermark(hwm int) {
Logger.Printf("producer/leader/%s/%d state change to [retrying-%d]\n", pp.topic, pp.partition, hwm)
pp.highWatermark = hwm
// send off a chaser so that we know when everything "in between" has made it
// back to us and we can safely flush the backlog (otherwise we risk re-ordering messages)
pp.retryState[pp.highWatermark].expectChaser = true
pp.parent.inFlight.Add(1) // we're generating a chaser message; track it so we don't shut down while it's still inflight
pp.output <- &ProducerMessage{Topic: pp.topic, Partition: pp.partition, flags: chaser, retries: pp.highWatermark - 1}
// a new HWM means that our current broker selection is out of date
Logger.Printf("producer/leader/%s/%d abandoning broker %d\n", pp.topic, pp.partition, pp.leader.ID())
pp.parent.unrefBrokerProducer(pp.leader, pp.output)
pp.output = nil
func (pp *partitionProducer) flushRetryBuffers() {
Logger.Printf("producer/leader/%s/%d state change to [flushing-%d]\n", pp.topic, pp.partition, pp.highWatermark)
for {
if pp.output == nil {
if err := pp.updateLeader(); err != nil {
pp.parent.returnErrors(pp.retryState[pp.highWatermark].buf, err)
goto flushDone
Logger.Printf("producer/leader/%s/%d selected broker %d\n", pp.topic, pp.partition, pp.leader.ID())
for _, msg := range pp.retryState[pp.highWatermark].buf {
pp.output <- msg
pp.retryState[pp.highWatermark].buf = nil
if pp.retryState[pp.highWatermark].expectChaser {
Logger.Printf("producer/leader/%s/%d state change to [retrying-%d]\n", pp.topic, pp.partition, pp.highWatermark)
} else if pp.highWatermark == 0 {
Logger.Printf("producer/leader/%s/%d state change to [normal]\n", pp.topic, pp.partition)
func (pp *partitionProducer) updateLeader() error {
return pp.breaker.Run(func() (err error) {
if err = pp.parent.client.RefreshMetadata(pp.topic); err != nil {
return err
if pp.leader, err = pp.parent.client.Leader(pp.topic, pp.partition); err != nil {
return err
pp.output = pp.parent.getBrokerProducer(pp.leader)
return nil
// one per broker, constructs both an aggregator and a flusher
func (p *asyncProducer) newBrokerProducer(broker *Broker) chan<- *ProducerMessage {
input := make(chan *ProducerMessage)
bridge := make(chan []*ProducerMessage)
a := &aggregator{
parent: p,
broker: broker,
input: input,
output: bridge,
go withRecover(
f := &flusher{
parent: p,
broker: broker,
input: bridge,
currentRetries: make(map[string]map[int32]error),
go withRecover(
return input
// groups messages together into appropriately-sized batches for sending to the broker
// based on
type aggregator struct {
parent *asyncProducer
broker *Broker
input <-chan *ProducerMessage
output chan<- []*ProducerMessage
buffer []*ProducerMessage
bufferBytes int
timer <-chan time.Time
func (a *aggregator) run() {
var output chan<- []*ProducerMessage
for {
select {
case msg := <-a.input:
if msg == nil {
goto shutdown
if a.wouldOverflow(msg) {
Logger.Printf("producer/aggregator/%d maximum request accumulated, forcing blocking flush\n",
a.output <- a.buffer
output = nil
a.buffer = append(a.buffer, msg)
a.bufferBytes += msg.byteSize()
if a.readyToFlush(msg) {
output = a.output
} else if a.parent.conf.Producer.Flush.Frequency > 0 && a.timer == nil {
a.timer = time.After(a.parent.conf.Producer.Flush.Frequency)
case <-a.timer:
output = a.output
case output <- a.buffer:
output = nil
if len(a.buffer) > 0 {
a.output <- a.buffer
func (a *aggregator) wouldOverflow(msg *ProducerMessage) bool {
switch {
// Would we overflow our maximum possible size-on-the-wire? 10KiB is arbitrary overhead for safety.
case a.bufferBytes+msg.byteSize() >= int(MaxRequestSize-(10*1024)):
return true
// Would we overflow the size-limit of a compressed message-batch?
case a.parent.conf.Producer.Compression != CompressionNone && a.bufferBytes+msg.byteSize() >= a.parent.conf.Producer.MaxMessageBytes:
return true
// Would we overflow simply in number of messages?
case a.parent.conf.Producer.Flush.MaxMessages > 0 && len(a.buffer) >= a.parent.conf.Producer.Flush.MaxMessages:
return true
return false
func (a *aggregator) readyToFlush(msg *ProducerMessage) bool {
switch {
// If all three config values are 0, we always flush as-fast-as-possible
case a.parent.conf.Producer.Flush.Frequency == 0 && a.parent.conf.Producer.Flush.Bytes == 0 && a.parent.conf.Producer.Flush.Messages == 0:
return true
// If the messages is a chaser we must flush to maintain the state-machine
case msg.flags&chaser == chaser:
return true
// If we've passed the message trigger-point
case a.parent.conf.Producer.Flush.Messages > 0 && len(a.buffer) >= a.parent.conf.Producer.Flush.Messages:
return true
// If we've passed the byte trigger-point
case a.parent.conf.Producer.Flush.Bytes > 0 && a.bufferBytes >= a.parent.conf.Producer.Flush.Bytes:
return true
return false
func (a *aggregator) reset() {
a.timer = nil
a.buffer = nil
a.bufferBytes = 0
// takes a batch at a time from the aggregator and sends to the broker
type flusher struct {
parent *asyncProducer
broker *Broker
input <-chan []*ProducerMessage
currentRetries map[string]map[int32]error
func (f *flusher) run() {
var closing error
Logger.Printf("producer/flusher/%d starting up\n",
for batch := range f.input {
if closing != nil {
f.parent.retryMessages(batch, closing)
msgSets := f.groupAndFilter(batch)
request := f.parent.buildRequest(msgSets)
if request == nil {
response, err :=
switch err.(type) {
case nil:
case PacketEncodingError:
f.parent.returnErrors(batch, err)
Logger.Printf("producer/flusher/%d state change to [closing] because %s\n",, err)
_ =
closing = err
f.parent.retryMessages(batch, err)
if response == nil {
// this only happens when RequiredAcks is NoResponse, so we have to assume success
f.parseResponse(msgSets, response)
Logger.Printf("producer/flusher/%d shut down\n",
func (f *flusher) groupAndFilter(batch []*ProducerMessage) map[string]map[int32][]*ProducerMessage {
msgSets := make(map[string]map[int32][]*ProducerMessage)
for i, msg := range batch {
if f.currentRetries[msg.Topic] != nil && f.currentRetries[msg.Topic][msg.Partition] != nil {
// we're currently retrying this partition so we need to filter out this message
f.parent.retryMessages([]*ProducerMessage{msg}, f.currentRetries[msg.Topic][msg.Partition])
batch[i] = nil
if msg.flags&chaser == chaser {
// ...but now we can start processing future messages again
Logger.Printf("producer/flusher/%d state change to [normal] on %s/%d\n",, msg.Topic, msg.Partition)
delete(f.currentRetries[msg.Topic], msg.Partition)
partitionSet := msgSets[msg.Topic]
if partitionSet == nil {
partitionSet = make(map[int32][]*ProducerMessage)
msgSets[msg.Topic] = partitionSet
partitionSet[msg.Partition] = append(partitionSet[msg.Partition], msg)
return msgSets
func (f *flusher) parseResponse(msgSets map[string]map[int32][]*ProducerMessage, response *ProduceResponse) {
// we iterate through the blocks in the request set, not the response, so that we notice
// if the response is missing a block completely
for topic, partitionSet := range msgSets {
for partition, msgs := range partitionSet {
block := response.GetBlock(topic, partition)
if block == nil {
f.parent.returnErrors(msgs, ErrIncompleteResponse)
switch block.Err {
// Success
case ErrNoError:
for i := range msgs {
msgs[i].Offset = block.Offset + int64(i)
// Retriable errors
case ErrUnknownTopicOrPartition, ErrNotLeaderForPartition, ErrLeaderNotAvailable,
ErrRequestTimedOut, ErrNotEnoughReplicas, ErrNotEnoughReplicasAfterAppend:
Logger.Printf("producer/flusher/%d state change to [retrying] on %s/%d because %v\n",, topic, partition, block.Err)
if f.currentRetries[topic] == nil {
f.currentRetries[topic] = make(map[int32]error)
f.currentRetries[topic][partition] = block.Err
f.parent.retryMessages(msgs, block.Err)
// Other non-retriable errors
f.parent.returnErrors(msgs, block.Err)
// singleton
// effectively a "bridge" between the flushers and the dispatcher in order to avoid deadlock
// based on
func (p *asyncProducer) retryHandler() {
var msg *ProducerMessage
buf := queue.New()
for {
if buf.Length() == 0 {
msg = <-p.retries
} else {
select {
case msg = <-p.retries:
case p.input <- buf.Peek().(*ProducerMessage):
if msg == nil {
// utility functions
func (p *asyncProducer) shutdown() {
Logger.Println("Producer shutting down.")
p.input <- &ProducerMessage{flags: shutdown}
if p.ownClient {
err := p.client.Close()
if err != nil {
Logger.Println("producer/shutdown failed to close the embedded client:", err)
func (p *asyncProducer) buildRequest(batch map[string]map[int32][]*ProducerMessage) *ProduceRequest {
req := &ProduceRequest{RequiredAcks: p.conf.Producer.RequiredAcks, Timeout: int32(p.conf.Producer.Timeout / time.Millisecond)}
empty := true
for topic, partitionSet := range batch {
for partition, msgSet := range partitionSet {
setToSend := new(MessageSet)
setSize := 0
for _, msg := range msgSet {
var keyBytes, valBytes []byte
var err error
if msg.Key != nil {
if keyBytes, err = msg.Key.Encode(); err != nil {
p.returnError(msg, err)
if msg.Value != nil {
if valBytes, err = msg.Value.Encode(); err != nil {
p.returnError(msg, err)
if p.conf.Producer.Compression != CompressionNone && setSize+msg.byteSize() > p.conf.Producer.MaxMessageBytes {
// compression causes message-sets to be wrapped as single messages, which have tighter
// size requirements, so we have to respect those limits
valBytes, err := encode(setToSend)
if err != nil {
Logger.Println(err) // if this happens, it's basically our fault.
req.AddMessage(topic, partition, &Message{Codec: p.conf.Producer.Compression, Key: nil, Value: valBytes})
setToSend = new(MessageSet)
setSize = 0
setSize += msg.byteSize()
setToSend.addMessage(&Message{Codec: CompressionNone, Key: keyBytes, Value: valBytes})
empty = false
if p.conf.Producer.Compression == CompressionNone {
req.AddSet(topic, partition, setToSend)
} else {
valBytes, err := encode(setToSend)
if err != nil {
Logger.Println(err) // if this happens, it's basically our fault.
req.AddMessage(topic, partition, &Message{Codec: p.conf.Producer.Compression, Key: nil, Value: valBytes})
if empty {
return nil
return req
func (p *asyncProducer) returnError(msg *ProducerMessage, err error) {
pErr := &ProducerError{Msg: msg, Err: err}
if p.conf.Producer.Return.Errors {
p.errors <- pErr
} else {
func (p *asyncProducer) returnErrors(batch []*ProducerMessage, err error) {
for _, msg := range batch {
if msg != nil {
p.returnError(msg, err)
func (p *asyncProducer) returnSuccesses(batch []*ProducerMessage) {
for _, msg := range batch {
if msg == nil {
if p.conf.Producer.Return.Successes {
p.successes <- msg
func (p *asyncProducer) retryMessages(batch []*ProducerMessage, err error) {
for _, msg := range batch {
if msg == nil {
if msg.retries >= p.conf.Producer.Retry.Max {
p.returnError(msg, err)
} else {
p.retries <- msg
func (p *asyncProducer) getBrokerProducer(broker *Broker) chan<- *ProducerMessage {
defer p.brokerLock.Unlock()
bp := p.brokers[broker]
if bp == nil {
bp = p.newBrokerProducer(broker)
p.brokers[broker] = bp
p.brokerRefs[bp] = 0
return bp
func (p *asyncProducer) unrefBrokerProducer(broker *Broker, bp chan<- *ProducerMessage) {
defer p.brokerLock.Unlock()
if p.brokerRefs[bp] == 0 {
delete(p.brokerRefs, bp)
if p.brokers[broker] == bp {
delete(p.brokers, broker)
func (p *asyncProducer) abandonBrokerConnection(broker *Broker) {
defer p.brokerLock.Unlock()
delete(p.brokers, broker)