this is for supporting external plugins. external plugins will depend on a few telegraf interface types, as well as a common telegraf registry. this will allow external and internal plugins to both share this package and make it easier to vendor/version the whole thing semantically, which will make it easier to keep plugins supported across build and telegraf versions. see #1717 |
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minmax.go | ||
minmax_test.go |
MinMax Aggregator Plugin
The minmax aggregator plugin aggregates min & max values of each field it sees,
emitting the aggrate every period
# Keep the aggregate min/max of each metric passing through.
## General Aggregator Arguments:
## The period on which to flush & clear the aggregator.
period = "30s"
## If true, the original metric will be dropped by the
## aggregator and will not get sent to the output plugins.
drop_original = false
Measurements & Fields:
- measurement1
- field1_max
- field1_min
No tags are applied by this aggregator.
Example Output:
$ telegraf --config telegraf.conf --quiet
system,host=tars load1=1.72 1475583980000000000
system,host=tars load1=1.6 1475583990000000000
system,host=tars load1=1.66 1475584000000000000
system,host=tars load1=1.63 1475584010000000000
system,host=tars load1_max=1.72,load1_min=1.6 1475584010000000000
system,host=tars load1=1.46 1475584020000000000
system,host=tars load1=1.39 1475584030000000000
system,host=tars load1=1.41 1475584040000000000
system,host=tars load1_max=1.46,load1_min=1.39 1475584040000000000