this is for supporting external plugins. external plugins will depend on a few telegraf interface types, as well as a common telegraf registry. this will allow external and internal plugins to both share this package and make it easier to vendor/version the whole thing semantically, which will make it easier to keep plugins supported across build and telegraf versions. see #1717 |
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internal.go | ||
internal_test.go |
Internal Input Plugin
The internal
plugin collects metrics about the telegraf agent itself.
Note that some metrics are aggregates across all instances of one type of plugin.
# Collect statistics about itself
## If true, collect telegraf memory stats.
# collect_memstats = true
Measurements & Fields:
memstats are taken from the Go runtime:
- internal_memstats
- alloc_bytes
- frees
- heap_alloc_bytes
- heap_idle_bytes
- heap_in_use_bytes
- heap_objects_bytes
- heap_released_bytes
- heap_sys_bytes
- mallocs
- num_gc
- pointer_lookups
- sys_bytes
- total_alloc_bytes
agent stats collect aggregate stats on all telegraf plugins.
- internal_agent
- gather_errors
- metrics_dropped
- metrics_gathered
- metrics_written
internal_gather stats collect aggregate stats on all input plugins
that are of the same input type. They are tagged with input=<plugin_name>
- internal_gather
- gather_time_ns
- metrics_gathered
internal_write stats collect aggregate stats on all output plugins
that are of the same input type. They are tagged with output=<plugin_name>
- internal_write
- buffer_limit
- buffer_size
- metrics_written
- metrics_filtered
- write_time_ns
internal_<plugin_name> are metrics which are defined on a per-plugin basis, and usually contain tags which differentiate each instance of a particular type of plugin.
- internal_<plugin_name>
- individual plugin-specific fields, such as requests counts.
All measurements for specific plugins are tagged with information relevant to each particular plugin.
Example Output:
internal_memstats,host=tyrion alloc_bytes=4457408i,sys_bytes=10590456i,pointer_lookups=7i,mallocs=17642i,frees=7473i,heap_sys_bytes=6848512i,heap_idle_bytes=1368064i,heap_in_use_bytes=5480448i,heap_released_bytes=0i,total_alloc_bytes=6875560i,heap_alloc_bytes=4457408i,heap_objects_bytes=10169i,num_gc=2i 1480682800000000000
internal_agent,host=tyrion metrics_written=18i,metrics_dropped=0i,metrics_gathered=19i,gather_errors=0i 1480682800000000000
internal_write,output=file,host=tyrion buffer_limit=10000i,write_time_ns=636609i,metrics_written=18i,buffer_size=0i 1480682800000000000
internal_gather,input=internal,host=tyrion metrics_gathered=19i,gather_time_ns=442114i 1480682800000000000
internal_gather,input=http_listener,host=tyrion metrics_gathered=0i,gather_time_ns=167285i 1480682800000000000
internal_http_listener,address=:8186,host=tyrion queries_received=0i,writes_received=0i,requests_received=0i,buffers_created=0i,requests_served=0i,pings_received=0i,bytes_received=0i,not_founds_served=0i,pings_served=0i,queries_served=0i,writes_served=0i 1480682800000000000