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Example Input Plugin

The example plugin gathers metrics about example things. This description explains at a high level what the plugin does and provides links to where additional information can be found.


# Description
  # SampleConfig

Measurements & Fields:

Here you should add an optional description and links to where the user can get more information about the measurements.

  • measurement1
    • field1 (type, unit)
    • field2 (float, percent)
  • measurement2
    • field3 (integer, bytes)


  • All measurements have the following tags:
    • tag1 (optional description)
    • tag2
  • measurement2 has the following tags:
    • tag3

Sample Queries:

This section should contain some useful InfluxDB queries that can be used to get started with the plugin or to generate dashboards. For each query listed, describe at a high level what data is returned.

Get the max, mean, and min for the measurement in the last hour:

SELECT max(field1), mean(field1), min(field1) FROM measurement1 WHERE tag1=bar AND time > now() - 1h GROUP BY tag

Example Output:

$ telegraf -input-filter example -test
measurement1,tag1=foo,tag2=bar field1=1i,field2=2.1 1453831884664956455
measurement2,tag1=foo,tag2=bar,tag3=baz field3=1i 1453831884664956455