.circleci | ||
.github | ||
agent | ||
cmd/telegraf | ||
docs | ||
etc | ||
filter | ||
internal | ||
logger | ||
metric | ||
plugins | ||
scripts | ||
selfstat | ||
testutil | ||
.gitattributes | ||
.gitignore | ||
Makefile | ||
README.md | ||
accumulator.go | ||
aggregator.go | ||
appveyor.yml | ||
docker-compose.yml | ||
go.mod | ||
go.sum | ||
input.go | ||
metric.go | ||
output.go | ||
plugin.go | ||
processor.go |

Telegraf is an agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics.
Design goals are to have a minimal memory footprint with a plugin system so that developers in the community can easily add support for collecting metrics.
Telegraf is plugin-driven and has the concept of 4 distinct plugin types:
- Input Plugins collect metrics from the system, services, or 3rd party APIs
- Processor Plugins transform, decorate, and/or filter metrics
- Aggregator Plugins create aggregate metrics (e.g. mean, min, max, quantiles, etc.)
- Output Plugins write metrics to various destinations
New plugins are designed to be easy to contribute, pull requests are welcomed and we work to incorporate as many pull requests as possible.
Try in Browser 🚀
You can try Telegraf right in your browser in the Telegraf playground.
There are many ways to contribute:
- Fix and report bugs
- Improve documentation
- Review code and feature proposals
- Answer questions and discuss here on github and on the Community Site
- Contribute plugins
Minimum Requirements
Telegraf shares the same minimum requirements as Go:
- Linux kernel version 2.6.23 or later
- Windows 7 or later
- FreeBSD 11.2 or later
- MacOS 10.11 El Capitan or later
You can download the binaries directly from the downloads page or from the releases section.
Ansible Role:
Ansible role: https://github.com/rossmcdonald/telegraf
From Source:
Telegraf requires Go version 1.12 or newer, the Makefile requires GNU make.
- Install Go >=1.12 (1.13 recommended)
- Clone the Telegraf repository:
cd ~/src git clone https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf.git
- Run
from the source directorycd ~/src/telegraf make
View the changelog for the latest updates and changes by version.
Nightly Builds
These builds are generated from the master branch:
- telegraf-nightly_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
- telegraf_nightly_amd64.deb
- telegraf_nightly_arm64.deb
- telegraf-nightly.arm64.rpm
- telegraf_nightly_armel.deb
- telegraf-nightly.armel.rpm
- telegraf_nightly_armhf.deb
- telegraf-nightly.armv6hl.rpm
- telegraf-nightly_freebsd_amd64.tar.gz
- telegraf-nightly_freebsd_i386.tar.gz
- telegraf_nightly_i386.deb
- telegraf-nightly.i386.rpm
- telegraf-nightly_linux_amd64.tar.gz
- telegraf-nightly_linux_arm64.tar.gz
- telegraf-nightly_linux_armel.tar.gz
- telegraf-nightly_linux_armhf.tar.gz
- telegraf-nightly_linux_i386.tar.gz
- telegraf-nightly_linux_s390x.tar.gz
- telegraf_nightly_s390x.deb
- telegraf-nightly.s390x.rpm
- telegraf-nightly_windows_amd64.zip
- telegraf-nightly_windows_i386.zip
- telegraf-nightly.x86_64.rpm
- telegraf-static-nightly_linux_amd64.tar.gz
How to use it:
See usage with:
telegraf --help
Generate a telegraf config file:
telegraf config > telegraf.conf
Generate config with only cpu input & influxdb output plugins defined:
telegraf --section-filter agent:inputs:outputs --input-filter cpu --output-filter influxdb config
Run a single telegraf collection, outputing metrics to stdout:
telegraf --config telegraf.conf --test
Run telegraf with all plugins defined in config file:
telegraf --config telegraf.conf
Run telegraf, enabling the cpu & memory input, and influxdb output plugins:
telegraf --config telegraf.conf --input-filter cpu:mem --output-filter influxdb
For documentation on the latest development code see the documentation index.
Input Plugins
- activemq
- aerospike
- amqp_consumer (rabbitmq)
- apache
- apcupsd
- aurora
- aws cloudwatch (Amazon Cloudwatch)
- azure_storage_queue
- bcache
- beanstalkd
- bind
- bond
- burrow
- cassandra (deprecated, use jolokia2)
- ceph
- cgroup
- chrony
- cisco_telemetry_gnmi
- cisco_telemetry_mdt
- clickhouse
- cloud_pubsub Google Cloud Pub/Sub
- cloud_pubsub_push Google Cloud Pub/Sub push endpoint
- conntrack
- consul
- couchbase
- couchdb
- cpu
- diskio
- disk
- disque
- dmcache
- dns query time
- docker
- docker_log
- dovecot
- aws ecs (Amazon Elastic Container Service, Fargate)
- elasticsearch
- ethtool
- eventhub_consumer (Azure Event Hubs & Azure IoT Hub)
- exec (generic executable plugin, support JSON, influx, graphite and nagios)
- execd
- fail2ban
- fibaro
- file
- filestat
- filecount
- fireboard
- fluentd
- github
- graylog
- haproxy
- hddtemp
- httpjson (generic JSON-emitting http service plugin)
- http_listener (deprecated, renamed to influxdb_listener)
- http_listener_v2
- http (generic HTTP plugin, supports using input data formats)
- http_response
- icinga2
- infiniband
- influxdb
- influxdb_listener
- internal
- interrupts
- ipmi_sensor
- ipset
- iptables
- ipvs
- jenkins
- jolokia2 (java, cassandra, kafka)
- jolokia (deprecated, use jolokia2)
- jti_openconfig_telemetry
- kafka_consumer
- kapacitor
- aws kinesis (Amazon Kinesis)
- kernel
- kernel_vmstat
- kibana
- kubernetes
- kube_inventory
- lanz
- leofs
- linux_sysctl_fs
- logparser
- logstash
- lustre2
- mailchimp
- marklogic
- mcrouter
- memcached
- mem
- mesos
- minecraft
- modbus
- mongodb
- monit
- mqtt_consumer
- multifile
- mysql
- nats_consumer
- nats
- neptune_apex
- net
- net_response
- netstat
- nginx
- nginx_plus_api
- nginx_plus
- nginx_upstream_check
- nginx_vts
- nsq_consumer
- nsq
- nstat
- ntpq
- nvidia_smi
- openldap
- openntpd
- opensmtpd
- openweathermap
- pf
- pgbouncer
- phpfpm
- phusion passenger
- ping
- postfix
- postgresql_extensible
- postgresql
- powerdns
- powerdns_recursor
- processes
- procstat
- prometheus (can be used for Caddy server)
- puppetagent
- rabbitmq
- raindrops
- redis
- rethinkdb
- riak
- salesforce
- sensors
- smart
- snmp_legacy
- snmp
- snmp_trap
- socket_listener
- solr
- sql server (microsoft)
- stackdriver (Google Cloud Monitoring)
- statsd
- suricata
- swap
- synproxy
- syslog
- sysstat
- systemd_units
- system
- tail
- temp
- tcp_listener
- teamspeak
- tengine
- tomcat
- twemproxy
- udp_listener
- unbound
- uwsgi
- varnish
- vsphere VMware vSphere
- webhooks
- win_perf_counters (windows performance counters)
- win_services
- wireguard
- wireless
- x509_cert
- zfs
- zipkin
- zookeeper
- InfluxDB Line Protocol
- Collectd
- Dropwizard
- FormUrlencoded
- Graphite
- Grok
- Logfmt
- Nagios
- Value, ie: 45 or "booyah"
- Wavefront
Processor Plugins
- clone
- converter
- date
- dedup
- enum
- override
- parser
- pivot
- printer
- regex
- rename
- s2_geo
- strings
- tag_limit
- template
- topk
- unpivot
Aggregator Plugins
Output Plugins
- influxdb (InfluxDB 1.x)
- influxdb_v2 (InfluxDB 2.x)
- amon
- amqp (rabbitmq)
- application_insights
- aws kinesis
- aws cloudwatch
- azure_monitor
- cloud_pubsub Google Cloud Pub/Sub
- cratedb
- datadog
- discard
- elasticsearch
- exec
- file
- graphite
- graylog
- health
- http
- instrumental
- kafka
- librato
- mqtt
- nats
- nsq
- opentsdb
- prometheus
- riemann
- riemann_legacy
- socket_writer
- stackdriver (Google Cloud Monitoring)
- syslog
- tcp
- udp
- warp10
- wavefront