
1.7 KiB

Tivan is entirely plugin driven. This interface allows for operators to pick and chose what is gathered as well as makes it easy for developers to create new ways of generating metrics.

Plugin authorship is kept as simple as possible to promote people to develop and submit new plugins.


  • A plugin must conform to the plugins.Plugin interface.
  • Tivan promises to run each plugin's Gather function serially. This means developers don't have to worry about thread safety within these functions.
  • Each generated metric automatically has the name of the plugin that generated it prepended. This is to keep plugins honest.
  • Plugins should call plugins.Add in their init function to register themselves. See below for a quick example.
  • To be available within Tivan itself, plugins must add themselves to the file.
  • The SampleConfig function should return valid toml that describes how the plugin can be configured. This is include in tivan -sample-config.
  • The Description function should say in one line what this plugin does.

Plugin interface

type Plugin interface {
	SampleConfig() string
	Description() string
	Gather(Accumulator) error


// simple.go

import ""

type Simple struct {
  Ok bool

func (s *Simple) Description() string {
  return "a demo plugin"

func (s *Simple) SampleConfig() string {
  return "ok = true # indicate if everything is fine"

func (s *Simple) Gather(acc plugins.Accumulator) error {
  if s.Ok {
    acc.Add("state", "pretty good", nil)
  } else {
    acc.Add("state", "not great", nil)

  return nil

func init() {
  plugins.Add("simple", func() plugins.Plugin { &Simple{} })