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Tivan - A native agent for InfluxDB


  • Download tivan
  • Run tivan -sample-config > tivan.toml to create an initial configuration
  • Edit the configuration to match your needs
  • Run tivan -config tivan.toml -test to see what metrics are gather by your config
  • Run tivan -config tivan.toml to gather and send metrics

Tivan Options

Tivan has a few options you can configure under the agent section of the config:

  • hostname: The name of this machine. The hostname is included in the metric tags for filtering and is by default the hosts hostname. You can override that behavior here.
  • interval: How ofter to gather metrics. Uses a simple number + unit parser, ie "10s" for 10 seconds or "5m" for 5 minutes.
  • debug: Tell tivan to output information about gathered metrics.

Plugin Options

There are 3 configuration options that are configurable per plugin:

  • pass: An array of strings that is used to filter metrics generated by the current plugin. Each string in the array is tested as a prefix against metrics and if it matches, the metric is emitted.
  • drop: The inverse of pass, if a metric matches, it is not emitted.
  • interval: How often to gather this metric. Normal plugins use a single global interval, but if one particular plugin should be run less or more often, you can configure that here.