Cameron Sparr a65447d22e Use mysql.ParseDSN func instead of url.Parse
The MySQL DB driver has it's own DSN parsing function. Previously we
were using the url.Parse function, but this causes problems because a
valid MySQL DSN can be an invalid http URL, namely when using some
special characters in the password.

This change uses the MySQL DB driver's builtin ParseDSN function and
applies a timeout parameter natively via that.

Another benefit of this change is that we fail earlier if given an
invalid MySQL DSN.

closes #870
closes #1842
2016-10-12 17:10:28 +01:00
.. Fix typo (#1367) 2016-06-13 10:38:58 +01:00
mysql.go Use mysql.ParseDSN func instead of url.Parse 2016-10-12 17:10:28 +01:00
mysql_test.go Use mysql.ParseDSN func instead of url.Parse 2016-10-12 17:10:28 +01:00

MySQL Input plugin

This plugin gathers the statistic data from MySQL server

  • Global statuses
  • Global variables
  • Slave statuses
  • Binlog size
  • Process list
  • Info schema auto increment columns
  • Table I/O waits
  • Index I/O waits
  • Perf Schema table lock waits
  • Perf Schema event waits
  • Perf Schema events statements
  • File events statistics
  • Table schema statistics


# Read metrics from one or many mysql servers
  ## specify servers via a url matching:
  ##  [username[:password]@][protocol[(address)]]/[?tls=[true|false|skip-verify]]
  ##  see
  ##  e.g.
  ##    db_user:passwd@tcp(
  ##    db_user@tcp(
  ## If no servers are specified, then localhost is used as the host.
  servers = ["tcp("]
  ## the limits for metrics form perf_events_statements
  perf_events_statements_digest_text_limit  = 120
  perf_events_statements_limit              = 250
  perf_events_statements_time_limit         = 86400
  ## if the list is empty, then metrics are gathered from all database tables
  table_schema_databases                    = []
  ## gather metrics from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES for databases provided above list
  gather_table_schema                       = false
  ## gather thread state counts from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST
  gather_process_list                       = true
  ## gather auto_increment columns and max values from information schema
  gather_info_schema_auto_inc               = true
  ## gather metrics from SHOW SLAVE STATUS command output
  gather_slave_status                       = true
  ## gather metrics from SHOW BINARY LOGS command output
  gather_binary_logs                        = false
  gather_table_io_waits                     = false
  gather_table_lock_waits                   = false
  gather_index_io_waits                     = false
  ## gather metrics from PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.EVENT_WAITS
  gather_event_waits                        = false
  gather_file_events_stats                  = false
  gather_perf_events_statements             = false
  ## Some queries we may want to run less often (such as SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES)
  interval_slow                             = "30m"

Measurements & Fields

  • Global statuses - all numeric and boolean values of SHOW GLOBAL STATUSES
  • Global variables - all numeric and boolean values of SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES
  • Slave status - metrics from SHOW SLAVE STATUS the metrics are gathered when the single-source replication is on. If the multi-source replication is set, then everything works differently, this metric does not work with multi-source replication.
    • slave_column name
  • Binary logs - all metrics including size and count of all binary files. Requires to be turned on in configuration.
    • binary_size_bytes(int, number)
    • binary_files_count(int, number)
  • Process list - connection metrics from processlist for each user. It has the following tags
    • connections(int, number)
  • Perf Table IO waits - total count and time of I/O waits event for each table and process. It has following fields:
    • table_io_waits_total_fetch(float, number)
    • table_io_waits_total_insert(float, number)
    • table_io_waits_total_update(float, number)
    • table_io_waits_total_delete(float, number)
    • table_io_waits_seconds_total_fetch(float, milliseconds)
    • table_io_waits_seconds_total_insert(float, milliseconds)
    • table_io_waits_seconds_total_update(float, milliseconds)
    • table_io_waits_seconds_total_delete(float, milliseconds)
  • Perf index IO waits - total count and time of I/O waits event for each index and process. It has following fields:
    • index_io_waits_total_fetch(float, number)
    • index_io_waits_seconds_total_fetch(float, milliseconds)
    • index_io_waits_total_insert(float, number)
    • index_io_waits_total_update(float, number)
    • index_io_waits_total_delete(float, number)
    • index_io_waits_seconds_total_insert(float, milliseconds)
    • index_io_waits_seconds_total_update(float, milliseconds)
    • index_io_waits_seconds_total_delete(float, milliseconds)
  • Info schema autoincrement statuses - autoincrement fields and max values for them. It has following fields:
    • auto_increment_column(int, number)
    • auto_increment_column_max(int, number)
  • Perf table lock waits - gathers total number and time for SQL and external lock waits events for each table and operation. It has following fields. The unit of fields varies by the tags.
    • read_normal(float, number/milliseconds)
    • read_with_shared_locks(float, number/milliseconds)
    • read_high_priority(float, number/milliseconds)
    • read_no_insert(float, number/milliseconds)
    • write_normal(float, number/milliseconds)
    • write_allow_write(float, number/milliseconds)
    • write_concurrent_insert(float, number/milliseconds)
    • write_low_priority(float, number/milliseconds)
    • read(float, number/milliseconds)
    • write(float, number/milliseconds)
  • Perf events waits - gathers total time and number of event waits
    • events_waits_total(float, number)
    • events_waits_seconds_total(float, milliseconds)
  • Perf file events statuses - gathers file events statuses
    • file_events_total(float,number)
    • file_events_seconds_total(float, milliseconds)
    • file_events_bytes_total(float, bytes)
  • Perf file events statements - gathers attributes of each event
    • events_statements_total(float, number)
    • events_statements_seconds_total(float, millieconds)
    • events_statements_errors_total(float, number)
    • events_statements_warnings_total(float, number)
    • events_statements_rows_affected_total(float, number)
    • events_statements_rows_sent_total(float, number)
    • events_statements_rows_examined_total(float, number)
    • events_statements_tmp_tables_total(float, number)
    • events_statements_tmp_disk_tables_total(float, number)
    • events_statements_sort_merge_passes_totales(float, number)
    • events_statements_sort_rows_total(float, number)
    • events_statements_no_index_used_total(float, number)
  • Table schema - gathers statistics of each schema. It has following measurements
    • info_schema_table_rows(float, number)
    • info_schema_table_size_data_length(float, number)
    • info_schema_table_size_index_length(float, number)
    • info_schema_table_size_data_free(float, number)
    • info_schema_table_version(float, number)


  • All measurements has following tags
    • server (the host name from which the metrics are gathered)
  • Process list measurement has following tags
    • user (username for whom the metrics are gathered)
  • Perf table IO waits measurement has following tags
    • schema
    • name (object name for event or process)
  • Perf index IO waits has following tags
    • schema
    • name
    • index
  • Info schema autoincrement statuses has following tags
    • schema
    • table
    • column
  • Perf table lock waits has following tags
    • schema
    • table
    • sql_lock_waits_total(fields including this tag have numeric unit)
    • external_lock_waits_total(fields including this tag have numeric unit)
    • sql_lock_waits_seconds_total(fields including this tag have millisecond unit)
    • external_lock_waits_seconds_total(fields including this tag have millisecond unit)
  • Perf events statements has following tags
    • event_name
  • Perf file events statuses has following tags
    • event_name
    • mode
  • Perf file events statements has following tags
    • schema
    • digest
    • digest_text
  • Table schema has following tags
    • schema
    • table
    • component
    • type
    • engine
    • row_format
    • create_options