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Telegraf plugin: Jolokia


  ## This is the context root used to compose the jolokia url
  context = "/jolokia"

  # This specifies the mode used
  # mode = "proxy"
  # When in proxy mode this section is used to specify further proxy address configurations.
  # Remember to change servers addresses
  # [inputs.jolokia.proxy]
  # host = ""
  # port = "8080"

  # List of servers exposing jolokia read service
    name = "as-server-01"
    host = ""
    port = "8080"
    # username = "myuser"
    # password = "mypassword"

  ## List of metrics collected on above servers
  ## Each metric consists in a name, a jmx path and either
  ## a pass or drop slice attribute.
  ## This collect all heap memory usage metrics.
    name = "heap_memory_usage"
    mbean  = "java.lang:type=Memory"
    attribute = "HeapMemoryUsage"

  ## This collect thread counts metrics.
    name = "thread_count"
    mbean  = "java.lang:type=Threading"
		attribute = "TotalStartedThreadCount,ThreadCount,DaemonThreadCount,PeakThreadCount"

  ## This collect number of class loaded/unloaded counts metrics.
    name = "class_count"
    mbean  = "java.lang:type=ClassLoading"
		attribute = "LoadedClassCount,UnloadedClassCount,TotalLoadedClassCount"


The Jolokia plugin collects JVM metrics exposed as MBean's attributes through jolokia REST endpoint. All metrics are collected for each server configured.



Jolokia plugin produces one measure for each metric configured, adding Server's name, host and port as tags.