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Example Input Plugin

The example plugin gathers metrics about example things. This description explains at a high level what the plugin does and provides links to where additional information can be found.


This section contains the default TOML to configure the plugin. You can generate it using telegraf --usage <plugin-name>.

  example_option = "example_value"


A more in depth description of an option can be provided here, but only do so if the option cannot be fully described in the sample config.


Here you should add an optional description and links to where the user can get more information about the measurements.

If the output is determined dynamically based on the input source, or there are more metrics than can reasonably be listed, describe how the input is mapped to the output.

  • measurement1

    • tags:
      • tag1 (optional description)
      • tag2
    • fields:
      • field1 (type, unit)
      • field2 (float, percent)
  • measurement2

    • tags:
      • tag3
    • fields:
      • field3 (integer, bytes)

Sample Queries

This section can contain some useful InfluxDB queries that can be used to get started with the plugin or to generate dashboards. For each query listed, describe at a high level what data is returned.

Get the max, mean, and min for the measurement in the last hour:

SELECT max(field1), mean(field1), min(field1) FROM measurement1 WHERE tag1=bar AND time > now() - 1h GROUP BY tag


This optional section can provide basic troubleshooting steps that a user can perform.

Example Output

This section shows example output in Line Protocol format. You can often use telegraf --input-filter <plugin-name> --test or use the file output to get this information.

measurement1,tag1=foo,tag2=bar field1=1i,field2=2.1 1453831884664956455
measurement2,tag1=foo,tag2=bar,tag3=baz field3=1i 1453831884664956455