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Running Telegraf as a Windows Service

If you have tried to install Go binaries as Windows Services with the sc.exe tool you may have seen that the service errors and stops running after a while.

NSSM (the Non-Sucking Service Manager) is a tool that helps you in a number of scenarios including running Go binaries that were not specifically designed to run only in Windows platforms.

NSSM Installation via Chocolatey

You can install Chocolatey and NSSM with these commands

iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
choco install -y nssm

Installing Telegraf as a Windows Service with NSSM

You can download the latest Telegraf Windows binaries (still Experimental at the moment) from the Telegraf Github repo.

Then you can create a C:\telegraf folder, unzip the binary there and modify the telegraf.conf sample to allocate the metrics you want to send to InfluxDB.

Once you have NSSM installed in your system, the process is quite straightforward. You only need to type this command in your Windows shell

nssm install Telegraf c:\telegraf\telegraf.exe -config c:\telegraf\telegraf.config

And now your service will be installed in Windows and you will be able to start and stop it gracefully